テスラ タブレットタグ・セット TABLET & LAPTOP TAGS
これまで、タブレットにも、テスラ 電話タグを貼ることにより、電磁波の有害性を処理していただきましたが、長い研究とテストの末、
WiFi を「入」にしたままだと、知らぬ間にマイクロ波周波数帯の放射を、強烈に浴びている。
この放射線レベルが、数秒毎に、電磁波測定器 の最大限界値を超えている。
他の高周波測定器で測定したところ、通話中の iPhone より、数倍高い値であることが、わかった。
iPad の裏面の磁界も測定すると、15〜20ミリガウスと、安全レベルの3ミリガウスと比べ、高いことがわかった。
0.00034μW/cm2以上で、精子数が減少 と発表。
タブレットタグではなく、テスラ 電話タグを、貼ってください。
直径:約16mm 厚さ:約2mm 色:シルバーのみ 材質:チタン 接着部:両面テープ <オーストラリア製> 日本語説明書付き
テスラ タグ ユーザーの声
★ご自宅や職場の、無線LAN、Wi-Fiには、テスラ オイスタープレートが、対処します。
The set consists of: Set of Four Tags Size 15mm diameter each Thickness 1mm each
Colour Silver
More and more people are using tablets and laptops for convenience and mobility, instead of the desktop computers.
After much research and testing the Tablet and Laptop Tag Set (TLTS) has been developed for Tablets and Laptops. This new tag set is a very powerful answer to the many devices that humans are using that are generating Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF,) that are causing our DNA to generate heat shock proteins due to the damage that is being caused by EMFs.
Electromagnetic (EM) and microwave fields emanating from the blue tooth and wifi antennas of tablets and laptops are believed to cause bio-energy effects to the DNA when they are in use.
These devices are very efficient and powerful and emit very strong EMFs and are believed to cause damage to our DNA. Electromagnetic radiation and microwave fields emanating from the wifi and bluetooth antennas is suggested through studies to cause bio-energy effect to the DNA when they are in use.
The emissions cannot be felt or seen, which is creating a real problem as most people use these devices on their lap.
At first glance these look like a Tesla’s Phone Tag, which was developed exclusively for the mobile/cell and cordless phone and are very focused in one area.
This Laptop-Tablet Tag Set has been developed to affect or treat both the device and the person using the device and is NOT focused, as is the Phone Tag.
The set of four (4) Tags are necessary for one device.
The set are positioned one in each corner of the tablet or laptop, and spreads its energy equally on both sides - both the upper and lower body from where the device is held.
At present, there is NO other use for these tags and definitely NOT for use on mobile/cell or cordless phones. As mentioned they are designed differently and not sufficiently effective for use on phones.
This set of four Laptop-Tablet Tag Set will continue to be effective from here on and transferred from device to device as you buy new.
The set of 4 Tags comes with instructions and double sided tape ready to fit easily.
これまで、タブレットにも、テスラ 電話タグを貼ることにより、電磁波の有害性を処理していただきましたが、長い研究とテストの末、
WiFi を「入」にしたままだと、知らぬ間にマイクロ波周波数帯の放射を、強烈に浴びている。
この放射線レベルが、数秒毎に、電磁波測定器 の最大限界値を超えている。
他の高周波測定器で測定したところ、通話中の iPhone より、数倍高い値であることが、わかった。
iPad の裏面の磁界も測定すると、15〜20ミリガウスと、安全レベルの3ミリガウスと比べ、高いことがわかった。
0.00034μW/cm2以上で、精子数が減少 と発表。
タブレットタグではなく、テスラ 電話タグを、貼ってください。
直径:約16mm 厚さ:約2mm 色:シルバーのみ 材質:チタン 接着部:両面テープ <オーストラリア製> 日本語説明書付き
テスラ タグ ユーザーの声
★ご自宅や職場の、無線LAN、Wi-Fiには、テスラ オイスタープレートが、対処します。
The set consists of: Set of Four Tags Size 15mm diameter each Thickness 1mm each
Colour Silver
More and more people are using tablets and laptops for convenience and mobility, instead of the desktop computers.
After much research and testing the Tablet and Laptop Tag Set (TLTS) has been developed for Tablets and Laptops. This new tag set is a very powerful answer to the many devices that humans are using that are generating Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF,) that are causing our DNA to generate heat shock proteins due to the damage that is being caused by EMFs.
Electromagnetic (EM) and microwave fields emanating from the blue tooth and wifi antennas of tablets and laptops are believed to cause bio-energy effects to the DNA when they are in use.
These devices are very efficient and powerful and emit very strong EMFs and are believed to cause damage to our DNA. Electromagnetic radiation and microwave fields emanating from the wifi and bluetooth antennas is suggested through studies to cause bio-energy effect to the DNA when they are in use.
The emissions cannot be felt or seen, which is creating a real problem as most people use these devices on their lap.
At first glance these look like a Tesla’s Phone Tag, which was developed exclusively for the mobile/cell and cordless phone and are very focused in one area.
This Laptop-Tablet Tag Set has been developed to affect or treat both the device and the person using the device and is NOT focused, as is the Phone Tag.
The set of four (4) Tags are necessary for one device.
The set are positioned one in each corner of the tablet or laptop, and spreads its energy equally on both sides - both the upper and lower body from where the device is held.
At present, there is NO other use for these tags and definitely NOT for use on mobile/cell or cordless phones. As mentioned they are designed differently and not sufficiently effective for use on phones.
This set of four Laptop-Tablet Tag Set will continue to be effective from here on and transferred from device to device as you buy new.
The set of 4 Tags comes with instructions and double sided tape ready to fit easily.
SOLD OUT当店限定 事業所・2世帯向けセット 20%お得!
SOLD OUT2世帯向けセット 20%お得!